My future business

My future business

Hello friend of my blog wherever you now, still here with me putry parwaty a kind hearted, friendly, and diligent saving wkwk just kiding.
Okay this time I will tell you about the business I will do in the future, amen.
I intend to open a business that is not far from food and internet connection ??? You know?? Yapppp is right, Cafe, but this cafe is different guys with another cafe, I took the initiative to create a unique theme to make visitors curious and visit my cafe, I want to create cafe related to chemistry? It must be confusing hehe not from his chemicals, but his tools, such as erlenmeyer, measuring cups, and others, but here I think the chemical tool is very expensive, so I took the initiative to make these chemicals with his replica That is with plastic or aluminum materials, so saving money, and increase the profit hehe, and here the decoration of the room I want to do as well as possible as interesting as possible, the visitors are given a lab coat when entering the cafe and the waiters also wear lab coat hehe ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ maybe that's all I can explain the business that I will do in the future, the reason I want to make a cafe is because, in addition to the price of the drink is still affordable, visitors can also use the internet connection is wifi from which has been provided by the Cafe, Thanks
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb


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